Purpose and strategic objectives
We make the shift – advancing the world through engineering
We are forward thinkers, driven by our passion to continuously innovate smarter solutions and enable important shifts.
Strategic objectives
Shift to growth
We have increased our growth ambitions and raised the long-term growth target that will be generated from organic and acquired growth.
Targets and examples of actions 2025 targets Examples of actions - Total growth of 7 percent (CAGR) at fixed exchange rates over a business cycle
- New Sales Ratio of 30–35 percent, defined as share of sales of products younger than 5 years
- Strategic acquisitions
- Launch of innovative new products, many of which are connected to digitalization and automation
Find more examples of actions as well as the results for 2023 in the annual report
Digital shift
We aim for digital leadership in our industries. We combine hardware and software to create optimized solutions for the manufacturing, mining and infrastructure industries.
Targets and examples of actions 2025 targets Examples of actions - Software and digital sales (rolling 12M) of SEK 6.5 billion
- 70 percent of our sites to have modern Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platforms implemented to enable a seamless flow
- Strategic acquisitions
- Development of customer solutions for e.g. automation and operational insights
Find more examples of actions as well as the results for 2023 in the annual report
Sustainability shift
Sandvik has an ambitious sustainability agenda with our four sustainability goals as a base. The goals takes a holistic approach that includes customers, suppliers and our own operations.
Targets and examples of actions 2025 targets Examples of actions - Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent
- 80 percent waste circularity
- Commitment to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
- Launch of products that help customers reduce their environmental impact
- Collaboration with Engineers without Borders, Sweden
Find more examples of actions as well as the results for 2023 in the annual report
Agile through cycle
Being agile through a business cycle for us means being flexible in order to effectively manage both the upturns and downturns in line with macroeconomic changes.
Target and examples of actions 2025 target Examples of actions - Adjusted EBITA margin (rolling 12M) within the range of 20–22 percent over a business cycle
- Optimization of operational efficiency
- Build operational flexibility in e.g. the supply chain, production and logistics
- Well-prepared contingency plans
Find more examples of actions as well as the results for 2023 in the annual report
Customer's first choice
We aim to be number one in a majority of the markets where we operate. This is achieved through strong brands and innovative offerings. Our strategic priorities include, for example, price leadership, providing a leading performance-based offering and and close relationships for customer insights.
Target and examples of actions 2025 target Examples of actions - 100 percent of our divisions to measure customer satisfaction and show verified improvements
- Structured methods for measurement of customer satisfaction
- Offering of solutions and expertise to support customers in their digital journey
- Training of indirect sales channels in how our solutions can solve customer problems
Find more examples of actions as well as the results for 2023 in the annual report
Employer of choice
We aim to be the employer of choice within our industries and attract, retain and develop top talents.
Targets and examples of actions 2025 targets Examples of actions - 25 percent female managers
- An employee engagement rate above 80 percent
- Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) at 2.7
- Various initiatives in areas such as engagement, diversity, equity, opportunities, inclusion and learning
Find more examples of actions as well as the results for 2023 in the annual report
Core values
Customer focus
We are agile, decentralized and make decisions close to customers.
We are technology leaders, through innovation.
Fair play
We are ethical and compliant, dedicated to health, safety and sustainability.
Passion to win
We establish market leadership through empowered people, strong performance management and continuous improvements.
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